Thanks to the state courts and legislature, as of May 1, abortion access in Florida is now more restricted than ever under the state’s near-total ban. The impact will resonate throughout the state, harming women and hurting the state economy.
Thanks to the state courts and legislature, as of May 1, abortion access in Florida is now more restricted than ever under the state’s near-total ban. The impact will resonate throughout the state, harming women and hurting the state economy.
#JobsDay is here! New data show decline in women's jobs on payroll, for the first time since December 2020. Men’s jobs on payroll increased by 200k while women’s fell by 26k. The gender gap in recovery widens. Women are still 2.9 mil below pre-COVID-19 levels, men are 2.1 mil below. #shecession ### New Institute for Women's Policy Research chart shows #unemployment fell for women across race/ethnicity, for Asian women (unadj.) from 4.2 to 3.4%, Black women 7.9% to 7.3%, [...]
By Eve Mefferd Work in the construction trades, with high wages and good benefits for union members, can be a promising path to economic security for women. However, the industry presents additional challenges for those with children. For the many parents who work in the trades— half of the 2,635 respondents to IWPR’s 2021 Tradeswomen’s Retention and Advancement Survey have children younger than 18 (forthcoming)— finding child care that covers construction hours can be difficult, since construction jobs often require [...]
We are proud to stand with 48 organizations on an ad urging Congress & @WhiteHouse to #BuildBackBetterwithWomen! Paid family & medical leave Affordable child care Home & community-based services Parent tax relief Lower health care costs
Recent @TIME article by @edockterman — Women earn 82 cents on the dollar compared to men —that gap widens for Black and Latina women, who earn 63 cents and 55 cents on the dollar, respectively, per @IWPResearch data.
Long-term unemployment a challenge for women over 40 — “Older women of color disproportionately lost jobs during the pandemic and may face discrimination in the labor market,” says @CNicoleMason in recent @Marketplace feature by Meghan McCarty Carino.
Thanks for tuning into "Childcare Strategies That Work for Tradeswomen" from @IWPResearch and @Tradeswomen_TF— it was a success! In case you missed the action, you can still get access to the webinar recording here. Be sure to check out the presentations on #Childcare Strategies That Work for Tradeswomen: