IWPR Priority Areas

FPA launch
IWPR Federal Policy Agenda to Advance Gender Equity Now Live

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) is proud to launch its Federal Policy Solutions to Advance Gender Equity agenda—a transformative blueprint outlining our long-term policy vision through actionable recommendations to improve women’s lives and create lasting, systemic change.

CERH analysis release Oct 24
New IWPR Analysis Reveals Economic Harm of State Abortion Bans

IWPR's latest report points to a clear correlation between abortion restrictions and economic underperformance, further highlighting that restrictions or total bans on abortion care not only jeopardize women’s health but actively harm state economies.

Gender Wage Gap Sept 2024
National Gender Wage Gap Widens in 2023 for the First Time in 20 Years, With Women Making 82.7 Cents on the Dollar Compared to Men

“The worsening gender wage gap is a national disgrace," says IWPR President and CEO Dr. Jamila K. Taylor.

CFS Launch
IWPR Launches Connect for Success Initiative to Expand Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Community College Students

IWPR has proudly announced the launch of its new initiative, Connect for Success—a groundbreaking initiative aiming to significantly increase community college students' access to high-quality, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care services. The initiative starts with awards to eleven grantees across the country working on the ground to provide students with the support they need to succeed.

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