Reproductive Justice and Health Equity
To support women’s health and reproductive freedom, we focus on understanding the economic impacts of health access restrictions, our national maternal health crisis, and the racial disparities blocking health care access for people of color.

Statement from Dr. Jamila K. Taylor, IWPR President and CEO, on the passing of Cecile Richards:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 21, 2025 Contact: Chandler Rollins 314-610-0896 Statement from Dr. Jamila K. Taylor, President and CEO of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, on the passing of Cecile Richards: “I am deeply saddened by the passing of Cecile Richards, an absolute giant [...]
Post-Roe, Employees Want—and Expect—Businesses to Help with Reproductive Health Access
A new IWPR survey of 10,000 adults, conducted with Morning Consult and the Center for Reproductive Rights, shows that abortion bans are deeply unpopular, particularly among younger individuals and those planning to have children soon, who prefer to work in areas where reproductive rights [...]
Yet Again, Voters Demand Reproductive Freedom at the Polls
State ballot questions are often overshadowed by presidential elections and campaign ads that dominate the airwaves. Not this year. Abortion has been a driving issue for voters, regardless of political affiliation. Last week, in 7 of the 10 states where abortion was on the [...]
We all know reproductive rights—including accessible abortion care—are essential to women’s full participation in society. Less talked about is the impact these draconian laws have on the health of the national economy, where women are half of the workforce. IWPR’s analysis measures the staggering costs [...]