Caregiving and FamiliesAdministrator2025-02-03T23:58:12-05:00

Caregiving and Families

Recognizing the invaluable contribution of unpaid care work, we strive to create policies that support and uplift caregivers by analyzing the need for accessible and high-quality child care, elder care, paid sick and family leave, flexible work schedules, and cash transfers for mothers and families.

FPA launch
IWPR Federal Policy Agenda to Advance Gender Equity Now Live

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) is proud to launch its Federal Policy Solutions to Advance Gender Equity agenda—a transformative blueprint outlining our long-term policy vision through actionable recommendations to improve women’s lives and create lasting, systemic change.

IWPR caregiving poll
Check out IWPR's Latest Poll on Caregiving and Women in the Workforce

Care is the cornerstone of economic activity, yet it remains undervalued and underfunded in the American economy, adversely impacting caregivers and those in need. IWPR's recent poll of women in the workforce details the concerns that many caregivers have about the impact of their responsibilities on their future careers and financial security.

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How Hawaiʻi’s Child Care Crisis Impacts Women’s Ability to Succeed in the Workforce 

Limited access to affordable and quality child care has been a longstanding issue across the United States. The situation is especially precarious in the Aloha State, where child care availability falls short of families’ needs, and child care costs rank the highest in the country.   [...]

By Hannah Gartner|November 25, 2024|

Care Conference 2024: Crafting Solutions—Unblocking Progress toward Gender and Racial Economic Equity

This is the sixth and final blog in a series detailing the panels and discussions that took place at the recent 2024 Care Conference hosted by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) and American University’s Program on Gender Analysis in Economics (PGAE).  Build evidence to [...]

By Shannon Emmett|May 17, 2024|

All Americans Deserve Paid Leave Benefits: Policy Options for Congress

Better paid leave policies benefit all workers but are particularly important for women. IWPR’s research has consistently shown the economic benefits of investments in paid leave. Read more on IWPR's policy recommendations. Read More

By IWPR|April 9, 2024|

IWPR Releases New Poll Detailing the Concerns of Caregivers and Women in the Workforce

Care is the cornerstone of economic activity, yet it remains undervalued and underfunded in the American economy, adversely impacting caregivers and those in need. IWPR's recent poll of women in the workforce details the concerns that many caregivers have about the impact of their [...]

By William Lutz|April 4, 2024|