In the LeadLea Woods2021-01-07T17:39:15-05:00

In the Lead

FL abortion ban
Florida Six-Week Abortion Ban Goes Into Effect

Thanks to the state courts and legislature, as of May 1, abortion access in Florida is now more restricted than ever under the state’s near-total ban. The impact will resonate throughout the state, harming women and hurting the state economy.  

Senate CERH hearing
Senate Holds Key Hearing on the Economic Impact of Abortion Restrictions

IWPR's research shows that abortion restrictions harm women’s health and education leading to disproportionate impacts on the national and state economy. A key Senate committee took up this important issue at a hearing on February 28 and IWPR was there.

FAFSA delay blog
FAFSA Delays-Navigating the Thorny Landscape of College Unaffordability

For many low-income college students, the prevailing Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) delays are causing added panic to our ever-growing educational crisis of soaring college costs. IWPR's Policy Team weighs in.

Moms EPD 2023
Mothers’ Wage Inequities Go Beyond Paid Labor

August 15 was Mom's Equal Pay Day and IWPR's research shows that In 2021, working moms made just 62 cents on the dollar compared to working fathers.

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In Florida, a Texas-Style Abortion Ban Threatens Access to Health Care and Economic Stability

2021 continues to make history as a severely damaging year for reproductive rights. After the passing of Senate Bill 8—the new Texas law banning abortion procedures after six weeks into pregnancy—on September 1, many realized it was only a matter of time before other states would follow suit with similar legislation.

September 29, 2021|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: |

WFN Announces Partnership to Name IWPR Exclusive Research Partner for Global Network

Great news! Today Women's Funding Network named the Institute for Women's Policy Research as its exclusive #researchpartner for its global network! First-of-its-kind #partnership will use regional and national data to craft solutions to advance a gender-equitable pandemic recovery. Read the full press release here!

September 23, 2021|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: , |

Inclusive Prosperity Through Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Great job to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research’s Study Director, Elyse Robyn! Watch her discuss IWPR findings related to inclusion and diversity in innovation and entrepreneurship with Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Watch the webinar recording here!

September 23, 2021|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: , |

Register: Child Care Strategies that Work for Tradeswomen

Finding affordable child care while working in construction can be tough. Institute for Women's Policy Research is pleased to partner with National Taskforce on Tradeswomen's Issues for a webinar on Sep 28 that will discuss successful strategies for parents in the trades, and new research on #tradeswomen, #childcare, and retention in the #trades. Register today!

September 22, 2021|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: |