Despite Modest Employment Gains, Women Still 5.5 Million Jobs Below Pre-Pandemic Level
New October jobs data show women gained 280,000 (43.9 percent) of 638,000 new non-farm payroll jobs since October.
New October jobs data show women gained 280,000 (43.9 percent) of 638,000 new non-farm payroll jobs since October.
Latinas have made important strides in education, business creation, and political engagement. In recent decades, they have significantly increased their high school graduation rate and representation in teaching, law, medicine, and management professions. Yet in 2019, the average Latina earned only 55.4 percent of White non-Latino men’s earnings.
Data on students’ parent status would help campuses, higher education systems, and policymakers assess needs, target supports and services, understand student outcomes, and measure what works to promote student parent enrollment, persistence, and completion.
New jobs figures from September show much less job growth than in the previous month, particularly for women, according to the U.S. Bureau for Labor Statistics latest Employment Situation release. Women’s official rates unemployment fell, while the number of women who are no longer actively looking for work increased.
Notes: Estimates presented for All Women are based on [...]
American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) women have made important advances socially, economically, and politically—they are starting their own businesses, getting elected to congress, and serving essential roles in their families and communities. Despite their efforts, they continue to face a range of obstacles to their and their family’s economic wellbeing and overall economic security.
Passing the PWFA would mean a step towards workplace gender equity, healthy pregnancies, reduced health disparities, and the economic security of pregnant and parenting women and their families.
The rate of progress toward closing the gender pay gap did not increase in 2019. If the pace of change in the annual earnings ratio continues at the same rate as it has since 1960, it will take another 39 years, until 2059, for men and women to reach parity.1 This projection for equal pay has remained unchanged for the past four years.
Women’s Median Earnings as a Percent of Men’s Median Earnings, 1960-2019 (Full-time, Year-round Workers) with Projection for Pay Equity in 2059
Collaboration between colleges and Head Start programs holds promise for promoting the educational and economic well-being of college students with young children.