Women in President Donald Trump’s White House earn 69 cents for every $1 paid to male staffers
The gender pay gap is wider than the national pay gap and wider than the gap in the Obama White House.
The gender pay gap is wider than the national pay gap and wider than the gap in the Obama White House.
An analysis released today by the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) shows that women are still almost 40 years from reaching pay equity with men if trends continue at the current pace. Each year the wage gap persists, women fall further behind men in overall earnings and ability to build assets and wealth with a cumulative effect each year in which earnings differences continue.
The rate of progress toward closing the gender pay gap did not increase in 2019. If the pace of change in the annual earnings ratio continues at the same rate as it has since 1960, it will take another 39 years, until 2059, for men and women to reach parity.1 This projection for equal pay has remained unchanged for the past four years.
Women’s Median Earnings as a Percent of Men’s Median Earnings, 1960-2019 (Full-time, Year-round Workers) with Projection for Pay Equity in 2059
When our employers force us to keep our salaries secret, they make life worse for everyone.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated the pernicious effect of gender and racial inequality, and the profound undervaluation of some of the most essential jobs for society, ones that require the care and supports of families.
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