
Estimating Usage and Costs of Alternative Policies to Provide Paid Sick Days in the United States

This brief explores the costs and benefits of alternative sick days policies applied at the national level: San Francisco’s Paid Sick Leave Ordinance, the Vermont Act, and the proposed federal Healthy Families Act.

Estimating the Distributional Impacts of Alternative Policies to Provide Paid Sick Days in the United States

DOWNLOAD REPORT This brief explores the distributional impact [...]

The Status of Women in Florida by County: Population & Diversity

This briefing paper highlights demographic information relevant to the status of women in Florida. It explores differences between women and men on a range of variables, including age, race and ethnicity, marital status, household type, immigration status, geography, and veteran status.

By Julie Anderson, Cynthia Hess, Ph.D. and Gina Chirillo|2020-08-27T02:10:48-05:00December 8, 2016|Briefing Paper, Status of Women|Comments Off on The Status of Women in Florida by County: Population & Diversity

Undervalued and Underpaid in America: Women in Low-Wage, Female-Dominated Jobs

This report investigates women’s experiences in large, low-wage, growing, female-dominated occupations, comparing demographic data and indicators of economic security between 1994 and 2014, and projecting growth rates to 2024.

Girls and Young Women of Color: Where They Are in the United States

Of the 14.1 million girls and young women of color, age 10–24, in the United States, 40.7 percent (5,748,760) live in the South, 23.2 percent in the Pacific West, 14.9 percent in the Northeast, 10.4 percent in East North Central, 7.3 percent in the Mountain West, and 3.5 percent in West North Central, as shown in Map 1.

By Emma Williams-Baron and Elyse Shaw|2020-09-09T17:05:22-05:00October 19, 2016|Briefing Paper, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Economy|Comments Off on Girls and Young Women of Color: Where They Are in the United States