Search results for: "Gender wage gap"

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The 24-cent difference: Why do New Hampshire women lose almost $3 billion every year? Because of the gender wage gap.

By Anusha Kankure If the wage gap were to be [...]

By Administrator|2017-09-15T21:22:05-05:00September 15, 2017|Press Hits|Comments Off on The 24-cent difference: Why do New Hampshire women lose almost $3 billion every year? Because of the gender wage gap.

The Gender Wage Gap: 2016; Earnings Differences by Gender, Race, and Ethnicity

The ratio of women’s and men’s median annual earnings was 80.5 percent for full-time, year-round workers in 2016, an improvement of 0.9 percentage points since 2015.

By Ariane Hegewisch, Emma Williams-Baron and M. Phil.|2020-11-23T22:58:53-05:00September 13, 2017|IWPR|Comments Off on The Gender Wage Gap: 2016; Earnings Differences by Gender, Race, and Ethnicity

The Gender Wage Gap by Occupation 2016; and by Race and Ethnicity

Women’s median earnings are lower than men’s in nearly all occupations, whether they work in occupations predominantly done by women, occupations predominantly done by men, or occupations with a more even mix of men and women.

By Ariane Hegewisch, Emma Williams-Baron and M. Phil.|2020-11-23T23:07:16-05:00April 4, 2017|IWPR|Comments Off on The Gender Wage Gap by Occupation 2016; and by Race and Ethnicity