ResearchLea Woods2021-04-08T12:06:28-05:00


FPA launch
IWPR Federal Policy Agenda to Advance Gender Equity Now Live

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) is proud to launch its Federal Policy Solutions to Advance Gender Equity agenda—a transformative blueprint outlining our long-term policy vision through actionable recommendations to improve women’s lives and create lasting, systemic change.

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Status of Women in the States: 1998

This inclusive report can be used to compare women's progress in each state over time. It provides national maps, data, and rankings for all the 50 states and the District of Columbia for each two-year cycle. All key indicators in the core areas of political participation, employment and earnings, social and economic autonomy, and reproductive rights are included.

By IWPR|October 1, 1998|Report, Status of Women|

In Harm’s Way? Domestic Violence, AFDC Receipt and Welfare Program

Summarizes the results of a Massachusetts survey of 734 women receiving welfare and reveals these women experience substantial incidence of domestic violence. Based on the study by economist Randy Albelda, University of Massachusetts at Boston.

By IWPR and Randy Albelda|December 17, 1997|Briefing Paper|