ResearchLea Woods2021-04-08T12:06:28-05:00


Black Single Mothers in College
Understanding the Needs of Black Single Mothers in College

IWPR spoke with 25 Black single mothers as they strive for their college degree about the challenges they face and the programs that help them balance family with their academic careers.

Apprenticeship Report Mar 2024
As Apprenticeships Expand, Breaking Down Barriers to Women’s Economic Success

The apprenticeship route can offer an alternative to traditional college (and college debt), yet traditionally, women have been much less likely to be apprentices than men. Check out IWPR’s latest report analyzing whether the commitments to greater gender and racial equity in apprenticeship pathways are being realized and whether women and men are equally likely to achieve jobs with family-sustaining wages following apprenticeships.

IWPR caregiving poll
Check out IWPR's Latest Poll on Caregiving and Women in the Workforce

Care is the cornerstone of economic activity, yet it remains undervalued and underfunded in the American economy, adversely impacting caregivers and those in need. IWPR's recent poll of women in the workforce details the concerns that many caregivers have about the impact of their responsibilities on their future careers and financial security.

EPD 2024 Wage Gap Fact Sheet
On Equal Pay Day 2024, New IWPR Report Reveals that Women Earn Less than Men in All Occupations, Even Ones Commonly Held by Women

Women are paid eighty-four (84) cents for every dollar a man makes, a persistent gender wage gap that spans all professions, even those typically held by women, according to a new report released by IWPR

2023 Annual Report
Check Out IWPR's 2023 Annual Report!

Learn more about our mission and values as an organization, our impact, and how we do what we do.

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Same Gap, Different Year: The Gender Wage Gap, 2019 Earnings Differences by Gender, Race, and Ethnicity

The rate of progress toward closing the gender pay gap did not increase in 2019. If the pace of change in the annual earnings ratio continues at the same rate as it has since 1960, it will take another 39 years, until 2059, for men and women to reach parity.1 This projection for equal pay has remained unchanged for the past four years.

Women’s Median Earnings as a Percent of Men’s, 1960–2019 (Full-Time, Year-Round Workers) with Projections for Pay Equity in 2059

Women’s Median Earnings as a Percent of Men’s Median Earnings, 1960-2019 (Full-time, Year-round Workers) with Projection for Pay Equity in 2059

Head Start College Partnership to Promote Student Parent Family Success: A Roadmap for Collaboration

Collaboration between colleges and Head Start programs holds promise for promoting the educational and economic well-being of college students with young children.

Stepping Up to Lead: Women Re-Shaping America’s Leadership, Politics & Priorities

Women comprise more than 50 percent of the U.S. population but currently hold just 23 percent of elected seats in Congress and about 1 in 3 state legislative seats. In 2018, a record number of women were elected to office—117 women, including 42 women of color—bringing their expertise, diverse experiences, and agenda for broad and inclusive change to Congress and state legislatures across the country.

Black Women to Reach Equal Pay with White Men in 2130

The COVID-19 pandemic has illuminated the pernicious effect of gender and racial inequality, and the profound undervaluation of some of the most essential jobs for society, ones that require the care and supports of families.

The Status of Women In North Carolina: Political Participation

The Status of Women in North Carolina: Political Participation presents data on several aspects of women’s involvement in the political process in North Carolina, comparing North Carolina to other states and the United States overall.

By Elyse Shaw and Adiam Tesfaselassie|August 11, 2020|Report, Status of Women|