In the LeadLea Woods2021-01-07T17:39:15-05:00

In the Lead

FAFSA delay blog
FAFSA Delays-Navigating the Thorny Landscape of College Unaffordability

For many low-income college students, the prevailing Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) delays are causing added panic to our ever-growing educational crisis of soaring college costs. IWPR's Policy Team weighs in.

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Care Conference 2024: How to Tackle the Undervaluation of Care Work in the Human Service Sector 

This is the fifth blog in a series detailing the panels and discussions that took place at the recent 2024 Care Conference hosted by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) and American University’s Program on Gender Analysis in Economics (PGAE). Nancy Folbre, a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, began the “The Undervaluation of Care Work in the Human Services Sector” workshop with a chicken-and-egg question: “Is care undervalued because it is primarily provided by disempowered people—especially women of color—or [...]

May 16, 2024|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: , |

Care Conference 2024: Fostering Job Quality for Immigrant Care Workers  

This is the fourth blog in a series detailing the panels and discussions that took place at the recent 2024 Care Conference hosted by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) and American University’s Program on Gender Analysis in Economics (PGAE).   The immigrant population in the United States is growing rapidly, bringing with it a diverse set of skills. However, a large portion of immigrants find themselves in care work positions, regardless of the education and experience they gained in their countries [...]

May 2, 2024|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: |

The Continued Fight for Abortion Access in Florida

Last month, the Florida Supreme Court turned back the clock on reproductive justice in a big way when it upheld the state’s six-week abortion ban. Despite the detrimental 15-week ban that has been in effect since the 2022 Dobbs decision, Florida has remained a southern destination for out-of-state patients seeking abortion care because laws in their home states were even more restrictive. Planned Parenthood clinics spent the last month accommodating as many appointments as possible before their legal ability to [...]

Care Conference 2024: The Care Infrastructure—Measuring Gaps and Identifying Resources for Closing Them

This is the third blog in a series detailing the panels and discussions that took place at the recent 2024 Care Conference hosted by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) and American University’s Program on Gender Analysis in Economics (PGAE). There is general agreement that there is a crisis of care in the United States, but how do we measure the gaps between what is needed and what is available, and what revenue sources could close such gaps? These [...]

April 25, 2024|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: , , |

Care Conference 2024: What We Need to Think About as the Population Is Aging and Care Needs Are Rising

This is the second blog in a series detailing the panels and discussions that took place at the recent 2024 Care Conference hosted by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) and American University’s Program on Gender Analysis in Economics (PGAE).    Why is women’s retirement income substantially lower than men’s? Why does Medicaid fail to meet the care needs of so many Americans? How can government interventions help reduce the pressing care needs of an aging population? And how can caregivers be [...]

April 18, 2024|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: , |

Incubators for Improved Maternal Health: States’ Role in Ending the Black Maternal Health Crisis

The impacts of the Black maternal health crisis in the United States are hitting home, both in the lives of Black women and their families and in the states in which they reside. Black women are about three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than White women. This disparity is driven by structural racism, which is deep-seated in reproductive health care and economic policies at all levels of government. Restrictive state laws governing bodily autonomy and [...]

April 17, 2024|Categories: In the Lead, IWPR|Tags: , |