In the LeadLea Woods2021-01-07T17:39:15-05:00

In the Lead

FAFSA delay blog
FAFSA Delays-Navigating the Thorny Landscape of College Unaffordability

For many low-income college students, the prevailing Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) delays are causing added panic to our ever-growing educational crisis of soaring college costs. IWPR's Policy Team weighs in.

FAFSA delay blog
FAFSA Delays-Navigating the Thorny Landscape of College Unaffordability

For many low-income college students, the prevailing Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) delays are causing added panic to our ever-growing educational crisis of soaring college costs. IWPR's Policy Team weighs in.

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What if It Never Gets Easier to Be a Working Parent?

In a new @nytimes article ‘What if It Never Gets Easier to Be a Working Parent?’— our President & CEO @cnicolemason suggests it is crucial to reflect on working mothers’ experiences in the work force after #BuildBackBetter. Read the full article.

November 1, 2021|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: , , |

Big News This Week on the Build Back Better Framework

Big News This Week on New Federal Investments in child care, children’s education, care for our aging population, Medicaid coverage for low-income Americans, and housing and nutrition programs in the Build Back Better Framework “The Build Back Better framework is an historic win for all of us. The plan President Biden outlined and its promised investments are a down payment on a fairer, more equitable economic future,” said C. Nicole Mason, President and CEO of the Institute for Women’s Policy [...]

October 29, 2021|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: , |

The Biden-Harris Administration issues first-ever national gender strategy to advance the full participation of all people – including women and girls

Today @IWPResearch applauds the Biden administration’s Gender Policy Council on its release of a historic gender equity strategy that will cut across federal agencies and improve the well-being of women and girls on key indicators — health, economic, and safety, among them. "The Gender Policy Council’s release signals that the Administration is serious about building a society where women and girls can reach their full potential and eliminating the barriers that prevent them from doing so,” @cnicolemason, President and CEO [...]

October 22, 2021|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: , |

Five Steps to Close the Gender and Racial Wage Gap for Latinas

By Eve Mefferd The last Equal Pay Day of the year—October 21, 2021—marks the number of days into the new year that Latinas must work to earn what White men earned in 2020 (based on median annual earnings). Latinas’ median annual earnings for full-time, year-round work are $38,718, compared to $67,629 for White men. With a national wage gap of 42.7 percent, this means Latinas earn just 57 cents for every dollar made by White men, the largest difference of [...]

October 21, 2021|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: , |

Opinion Article: The Washington failure that’s making us sick

Great new @CNN opinion piece by @molly_dickens and @darbysaxbe explores why the #BuildBackBetter plan’s caregiver support policies will impact short and long-term health through stress and #healthcare costs.

October 18, 2021|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: , |

The Future of the Working Woman: How to Support Women in the Workforce

Tune in TODAY Oct 14 at 12PM ET for an important conversation with our president and CEO C. Nicole Mason — The Future of the Working Woman: How to Support Women in the Workforce — hosted by Washingtonian and sponsored by Cigna! Listen to leaders discuss how to better support women in the workforce following the challenges of the pandemic. There is still time to register!

October 14, 2021|Categories: In the Lead|Tags: , |