San Francisco Employment Growth Remains Stronger with Paid Sick Days Law Than Surrounding Counties
DOWNLOAD REPORT Martha Burk (Director, Corporate Accountability Project, National Council of [...]
The United States is among a very small number of countries in the world without a statutory right to paid maternity leave for employees. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research’s (IWPR) analysis of Working Mother magazine’s “100 Best Companies” finds that almost all of the top companies provide some paid maternity leave and, between 2006 and 2010, these employers dramatically expanded coverage for paternity and adoptive parent leave.
DOWNLOAD REPORT IWPR’s study explored the challenges many [...]
Testimony of Kevin Miller, Ph.D.,Institute for Women’s Policy Research, before the Committee on Higher Education of the New York City Council
Occupational gender segregation is a strong feature of the US labor market. While some occupations have become increasingly integrated over time, others remain highly dominated by either men or women. Our analysis of trends in overall gender segregation shows that, after a considerable move towards more integrated occupations in the 1970s and 1980s, progress has completely stalled since the mid 1990s.
In developing a simulation model to estimate the cost of paid family and medical leave programs in a given state, we rely on data documenting known leave-taking behavior. Where this is not possible, we provide a set of reasonable assumptions about unknown aspects of behavior in the presence of a paid leave program.
Of the over 6 million students earning college credit at community colleges, 1.7 million (27 percent) are parents. Of those, about 1 million (16 percent) are single parents, more than twice the proportion at 4-year institutions. Three-quarters of single parents in college are women.
Testimony of Kevin Miller, Ph.D., Institute for Women’s Policy Research before the House Labor Committee of the 96th General Assembly of Illinois regarding H.B. 3665, the Healthy Workplace Act.