
Women Gain Disproportionately Fewer Jobs in May, and Face Disproportionately Higher Job Losses since February

DOWNLOAD REPORT As the Economy Starts to Grow [...]

By Ariane Hegewisch and Zohal Barsi|2025-01-27T19:24:12-05:00June 12, 2020|Equitable Work and Wages|0 Comments

‘You’re stuck’: America wants to reopen its economy. It won’t happen without schools or child care

By BRACEY HARRIS For all the talk of getting America [...]

By Administrator|2025-01-27T20:44:55-05:00May 29, 2020|Caregiving and Families|Comments Off on ‘You’re stuck’: America wants to reopen its economy. It won’t happen without schools or child care

With women’s unemployment sky high, this recession is a ‘shecession,’ expert says

By Katie Kindelan via During the coronavirus pandemic, more than 38 [...]

By Administrator|2020-08-11T11:26:44-05:00May 28, 2020|Press Hits|Comments Off on With women’s unemployment sky high, this recession is a ‘shecession,’ expert says

Dramatic Decline in Employment Hits Women Even More Severely than Men

In the four weeks since mid-March, 20.5 million jobs were lost, according to new payroll data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics this Friday, May 8. Women bore the majority of job losses, 11.3 million (55 percent of the total), compared with 9.2 million jobs lost by men

By Ariane HegewischZohal Barsi and Jeff Hayes|2025-01-27T19:24:13-05:00May 8, 2020|Equitable Work and Wages|Comments Off on Dramatic Decline in Employment Hits Women Even More Severely than Men

Women Lost More Jobs than Men in almost all Sectors of the Economy

Employment data released on Friday, April 3 show dramatic job losses and sharp rises in unemployment for both women and men since February. Altogether 701,000 jobs were lost, the majority (58.8 percent or 412,188) by women. While these estimates of job losses are already outdated – since their collection in the second week of March new applications for unemployment reached almost ten times that level–they point to the critical role of gender in understanding the impact of the COVID -19 crisis.

By Ariane Hegewisch|2025-01-27T19:24:13-05:00April 6, 2020|Equitable Work and Wages|Comments Off on Women Lost More Jobs than Men in almost all Sectors of the Economy