Pay Gap

Still a Man’s Labor Market: The Slowly Narrowing Gender Wage Gap

The commonly used figure to describe the gender wage ratio—that a woman earns 80 cents for every dollar earned by a man—understates the pay inequality problem by leaving many women workers out of the picture. This report argues that a multi-year analysis provides a more comprehensive picture of the gender wage gap and presents a more accurate measure of the income women actually bring home to support themselves and their families.

By Stephen J. Rose and Heidi Hartmann|2025-01-27T19:24:17-05:00November 26, 2018|Equitable Work and Wages|0 Comments

Sexual Harassment and Assault at Work: Understanding the Costs

Through a review of the current literature on sexual harassment and assault, this briefing paper highlights how workplace sexual harassment and assault affect women’s economic advancement and security, and the costs of these harms to employers (including estimates of financial losses where available). It also provides recommendations for preventing sexual harassment and reducing the negative effects of harassment for individuals and workplaces.

By Elyse ShawAriane Hegewisch and Cynthia Hess, Ph.D.|2021-08-04T19:03:27-05:00October 15, 2018|Briefing Paper|0 Comments

Private Sector Workers Lack Pay Transparency: Pay Secrecy May Reduce Women’s Bargaining Power and Contribute to Gender Wage Gap

The IWPR/Rockefeller Survey of Economic Security is the first to ask workers whether there are policies at their work places that discourage or prohibit sharing information about pay.

By Jeff Hayes|2025-01-27T19:24:20-05:00December 10, 2017|Equitable Work and Wages|0 Comments

Undervalued and Underpaid in America: Women in Low-Wage, Female-Dominated Jobs

This report investigates women’s experiences in large, low-wage, growing, female-dominated occupations, comparing demographic data and indicators of economic security between 1994 and 2014, and projecting growth rates to 2024.

If Current Trends Continue, Hispanic Women Will Wait 232 Years for Equal Pay; Black Women Will Wait 108 Years

In advance of Latinas’ Equal Pay Day on November 1—the day symbolizing how far into the year that Latinas must work to earn what White men earned in the previous year—the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) released an analysis finding that, if trends over the last 30 years continue, Hispanic women will not see equal pay with White men until 2248, 232 years from now.

By IWPR|2020-09-10T03:53:29-05:00October 31, 2016|IWPR|0 Comments