ResearchLea Woods2021-04-08T12:06:28-05:00


Gender Wage Gap Sept 2024
National Gender Wage Gap Widens in 2023 for the First Time in 20 Years, With Women Making 82.7 Cents on the Dollar Compared to Men, Down from 84 Cents in 2022

“The worsening gender wage gap is a national disgrace," says IWPR President and CEO Dr. Jamila K. Taylor.

Black Single Mothers in College
Understanding the Needs of Black Single Mothers in College

IWPR spoke with 25 Black single mothers as they strive for their college degree about the challenges they face and the programs that help them balance family with their academic careers.

Apprenticeship Report Mar 2024
As Apprenticeships Expand, Breaking Down Barriers to Women’s Economic Success

The apprenticeship route can offer an alternative to traditional college (and college debt), yet traditionally, women have been much less likely to be apprentices than men. Check out IWPR’s latest report analyzing whether the commitments to greater gender and racial equity in apprenticeship pathways are being realized and whether women and men are equally likely to achieve jobs with family-sustaining wages following apprenticeships.

2023 Annual Report
Check Out IWPR's 2023 Annual Report!

IWPR is a “think tank with humanity,” and our mission is simple: win economic equity for all women and eliminate barriers to their full participation in society. Our Annual Report details how we strived to fulfill our mission in 2023 and provides a detailed picture of our mission and values, our impact, and how we do what we do.

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Resilient and Reaching for More: Challenges and Benefits of Higher Education for Welfare Participants and Their Children

This report details the inspiration, struggles, and perseverance of those pursuing a college degree while receiving welfare in California and the benefits that education brings them and their children.

By Avis Jones-DeWeever and Barbara Gault|February 29, 2008|Report, Student Parent Success Initiative|

In Our Own Backyards: Local and State Strategies to Improve the Quality of Family Child Care

Th is report examines state and local policies and programs designed to improve the quality of family child care. For the purposes of this report, family child care is defined as a provider caring for two or more unrelated children in the provider’s home.

By Katie Hamm, Barbara Gault and Avis Jones-DeWeever|April 14, 2005|Report|

The Price of School Readiness: A Tool for Estimating the Cost of Universal Preschool in the States

DOWNLOAD REPORT Families and communities throughout the United States are embracing early childhood education as an important and beneficial experience for children. Policymakers are beginning to view children’s access to early education as a public good, and are debating ideas such as universal [...]

By Stacie Carolyn Golin, Anne Mitchell and Barbara Gault|February 29, 2004|Report|

Still a Man’s Labor Market: The Long-Term Earnings Gap

Although the wage gap, measured by conventional methods, has narrowed in the last several decades, with women who work full-time full-year now earning 77 percent of what men earn (compared with 59 cents on the male dollar 40 years ago), its sweeping effects are largely unacknowledged because its measurement is limited to a single year and restricted to only a portion of the workforce. When accumulated over many years for all men and women workers, the losses to women and their families due to the wage gap are large and can be devastating.