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Last Decade Saw Slowest Progress on Closing the Gender Wage Gap in Nearly 40 Years

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 7, 2018 Contact: Jennifer Clark | 202-785-5100 [...]

By Administrator|2018-03-07T18:21:24-05:00March 7, 2018|Press Releases|Comments Off on Last Decade Saw Slowest Progress on Closing the Gender Wage Gap in Nearly 40 Years

Private Sector Workers Lack Pay Transparency: Pay Secrecy May Reduce Women’s Bargaining Power and Contribute to Gender Wage Gap

The IWPR/Rockefeller Survey of Economic Security is the first to ask workers whether there are policies at their work places that discourage or prohibit sharing information about pay.

The 24-cent difference: Why do New Hampshire women lose almost $3 billion every year? Because of the gender wage gap.

By Anusha Kankure If the wage gap were to be [...]

By Administrator|2017-09-15T21:22:05-05:00September 15, 2017|Press Hits|Comments Off on The 24-cent difference: Why do New Hampshire women lose almost $3 billion every year? Because of the gender wage gap.