"We have been here before. We have fought and won these battles before. We will continue to stand strong and defend the health and economic well-being of women against the onslaught of attacks we expect from a new Trump administration."
--Dr. Jamila K. Taylor, IWPR President and CEO
New IWPR Analysis Reveals Economic Harm of State Abortion Bans
IWPR's latest report points to a clear correlation between abortion restrictions and economic underperformance, further highlighting that restrictions or total bans on abortion care not only jeopardize women’s health but actively harm state economies.
IWPR Launches Connect for Success Initiative to Expand Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Community College Students
IWPR has proudly announced the launch of its new initiative, Connect for Success—a groundbreaking initiative aiming to significantly increase community college students' access to high-quality, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care services. The initiative starts with awards to eleven grantees across the country working on the ground to provide students with the support they need to succeed.
National Gender Wage Gap Widens in 2023 for the First Time in 20 Years, With Women Making 82.7 Cents on the Dollar Compared to Men, Down from 84 Cents in 2022
“The worsening gender wage gap is a national disgrace," says IWPR President and CEO Dr. Jamila K. Taylor.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 4, 2020 Contact: Keri A. Potts | 860-839-3438 | potts@iwpr.org Ten months into the COVID-19 pandemic, data continue to show that women are impacted more strongly than men by the recession. Data show 1.7 million women have been officially unemployed for [...]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 10, 2020 Contact: Keri A. Potts | 860-839-3438 | potts@iwpr.org New IWPR Report Shows Economic Recovery Hinges on School Reopenings, Strong Care Infrastructure, and Putting Women Back to Work Washington, DC — According to a new report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), [...]
New October jobs data show women remain 5.5 million jobs below February's levels. Despite women gaining 280,000 (43.9 percent) of 638,000 new non-farm payroll jobs since October and adult women having lower unemployment rates (6.5 percent) than men (6.7 percent) for the first time since April, stubborn trends continue.
New research released by the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) for Latina Equal Pay Day shows a continued large wage gap for Latina workers.
An analysis released today by the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) shows that women are still almost 40 years from reaching pay equity with men if trends continue at the current pace. Each year the wage gap persists, women fall further behind men in overall earnings and ability to build assets and wealth with a cumulative effect each year in which earnings differences continue.