Emma Williams-Baron

About Emma Williams-Baron

Emma Williams-Baron was a Policy and Data Analyst at IWPR and Assistant Editor for the Journal of Women, Politics & Policy, focusing on job quality, pay equity across the life course, work-life policy, and intersectional analysis. She began at IWPR as a Mariam K. Chamberlain Fellow in 2015.

Previously, she was a research assistant investigating gendered violence with Dr. Alexandra Hrycak, and a legislative intern at the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women.

As an undergraduate student, Emma presented a senior thesis titled Girls and Boys Who Work: Effects of Gendered Adolescent Work Experiences on Career, Education, Family, and Work-Life Balance Aspirations and Expectations. Since joining IWPR, Emma has given several presentations at national and international conference including sharing findings from her study of youth work experience and attitudes toward career and family at the 2016 Work and Family Researchers Network Conference and presenting conclusions from her work with Dr. Hrycak at the 2016 Association for the Study of Nationalities 21st Annual World Convention.

Emma is a 2015 graduate of Reed College with a B.A. in sociology.

The Economic Security of Older Women and Men in Hawaii

This briefing paper examines many aspects of the economic security of women and men aged 65 and older in Hawai`i, including their marital status, poverty, and various sources and amounts of income, with attention to disparities by gender and race/ethnicity.

By Emma Williams-Baron, Julie Anderson, Cynthia Hess, Ph.D. and Jessica Milli|2020-10-30T03:55:17-05:00May 24, 2017|IWPR|Comments Off on The Economic Security of Older Women and Men in Hawaii

Mothers Earn Just 71 Percent of What Fathers Earn

Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) analysis of data from the American Community Survey finds that in 2015, mothers’ median annual earnings for full-time, year-round work ($40,000) were just 71.4 percent of fathers’ earnings ($56,000).

By Emma Williams-Baron and Julie Anderson|2020-12-03T02:28:46-05:00May 23, 2017|IWPR|Comments Off on Mothers Earn Just 71 Percent of What Fathers Earn

The Gender Wage Gap by Occupation 2016; and by Race and Ethnicity

Women’s median earnings are lower than men’s in nearly all occupations, whether they work in occupations predominantly done by women, occupations predominantly done by men, or occupations with a more even mix of men and women.

By Ariane Hegewisch, Emma Williams-Baron and M. Phil.|2020-11-23T23:07:16-05:00April 4, 2017|IWPR|Comments Off on The Gender Wage Gap by Occupation 2016; and by Race and Ethnicity

The Gender Wage Gap 2016: Earnings Differences by Race and Ethnicity

The gender wage gap for weekly full-time workers in the United States narrowed slightly between 2015 and 2016. In 2016, the ratio of women’s to men’s median weekly full-time earnings was 81.9 percent, an increase of 0.8 percentage points since 2015, when the ratio was 81.1 percent, leaving a wage gap of 18.1 percentage points down from 19.9 percentage points in 2015.

By Ariane Hegewisch, Emma Williams-Baron and M. Phil.|2020-11-23T23:10:22-05:00March 7, 2017|IWPR|Comments Off on The Gender Wage Gap 2016: Earnings Differences by Race and Ethnicity

Supports that Matter in Workforce Development Programs: A National Client Survey on Access to Services

This report presents findings from a national, online survey of more than 1,800 participants in job training programs. It captures their perspectives on the role of supportive services such as child care and transportation assistance in facilitating their success in job training, the availability of supportive services across different types of training programs, the unmet support needs of program participants, and the significance of job training for their lives.

Supportive Services in Workforce Development Programs: Administrator Perspectives on Availability and Unmet Needs

Workforce development programs offer much-needed skills training to un- and under-employed Americans. Many such individuals also face personal challenges that prevent them from completing their training.

By Cynthia Hess, Ph.D., Emma Williams-Baron, Barbara Gault, Ariane Hegewisch and M. Phil.|2020-11-13T03:47:31-05:00December 13, 2016|IWPR|Comments Off on Supportive Services in Workforce Development Programs: Administrator Perspectives on Availability and Unmet Needs

Undervalued and Underpaid in America: Women in Low-Wage, Female-Dominated Jobs

This report investigates women’s experiences in large, low-wage, growing, female-dominated occupations, comparing demographic data and indicators of economic security between 1994 and 2014, and projecting growth rates to 2024.

Girls and Young Women of Color: Where They Are in the United States

Of the 14.1 million girls and young women of color, age 10–24, in the United States, 40.7 percent (5,748,760) live in the South, 23.2 percent in the Pacific West, 14.9 percent in the Northeast, 10.4 percent in East North Central, 7.3 percent in the Mountain West, and 3.5 percent in West North Central, as shown in Map 1.

By Emma Williams-Baron and Elyse Shaw|2020-09-09T17:05:22-05:00October 19, 2016|Briefing Paper, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Economy|Comments Off on Girls and Young Women of Color: Where They Are in the United States

Women of Color: Where They Are in the United States

Of the 42.3 million women of color, age 18 and older, in the United States, 41.5 percent (17,537,563) live in the South, 23.2 percent in the Pacific West, 16.3 percent in the Northeast, 9.8 percent in East North Central, 6.4 percent in the Mountain West, and 2.9 percent in West North Central.

By Emma Williams-Baron and Elyse Shaw|2020-09-09T17:09:42-05:00October 19, 2016|Briefing Paper, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Economy|Comments Off on Women of Color: Where They Are in the United States