The Gender Wage Gap: 2018 Earnings Differences by Race and Ethnicity
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The average salary for someone who completed an apprenticeship is $60,000 per year. The average salary of an electrician (the most common apprenticeship) on completion of an apprenticeship is $23 per hour; for a 40-hour week this translates to $920, substantially higher than the median weekly earnings for a worker with an Associate degree (of $836 in 2017).
Through a review of the current literature on sexual harassment and assault, this briefing paper highlights how workplace sexual harassment and assault affect women’s economic advancement and security, and the costs of these harms to employers (including estimates of financial losses where available). It also provides recommendations for preventing sexual harassment and reducing the negative effects of harassment for individuals and workplaces.
The average salary for someone who completed an apprenticeship is $60,000 per year. The hourly starting salary of an electrician (the most common apprenticeship) after completing an apprenticeship was $232; for a 40-hour week this translates to $920, substantially higher than the median weekly earnings of $836 for a worker with an Associate degree (of $838 in 2017). Apprenticeships in advanced manufacturing and the trades offer pathways to good jobs with family-sustaining wages and benefits and are a proven and cost-effective model for employers seeking to ensure that they can meet their future need for skilled workers.
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The construction industry offers rewarding careers to women. Jobs in construction are projected to grow at all levels and apprenticeships offer well-established pathways to skilled, well-rewarded jobs in the trades.
Led by Leah Rambo, a veteran sheet metal worker and the program’s first female apprenticeship director, local 28 has seen dramatic improvements in women’s participation in apprenticeship, increasing the overall percentage from 3 percent at the beginning of 2011 to 11 percent in 2017, and achieving a rate of 16% for new apprentices entering the program in 2017.
A highly skilled trade, unionized ironworkers begin their careers as apprentices, benefiting from a combination of on-the-job training and related classroom instruction. Over the course of a three-year apprenticeship, an ironworker in Chicago will go from an hourly wage of $27.72 to $46.20. A hefty benefit package adds almost another $35 per/hr. to cover health and retirement benefits.