Care Work

The Future of Care Work: Improving the Quality of America’s Fastest-Growing Jobs

Paid adult care work jobs are expected to increase substantially in the coming years, due to both an aging population and a comparatively low risk of automation for many of these jobs.

By Cynthia Hess, Ph.D. and Ariane Hegewisch|2025-01-27T19:24:15-05:00September 23, 2019|Equitable Work and Wages|Comments Off on The Future of Care Work: Improving the Quality of America’s Fastest-Growing Jobs

The Shifting Supply and Demand of Care Work: The Growing Role of People of Color and Immigrants

As the Baby Boom generation matures and current unmet child care needs remain constant, the United States faces a burgeoning crisis in the demand for care workers. The market has slowly but surely begun to adapt, seeing an overall growth of 19 percent in the number of care workers between 2005 and 2015, with most of that growth in adult care. The U.S. Department of Labor suggests that this will only grow further, projecting that the economy will add more than 1.6 million jobs in occupations related to adult care by 2024 (Rolen 2017).

By Heidi HartmannJeff HayesRebecca HuberKelly Rolfes-Haase and Jooyeoun Suh, Ph.D.|2020-08-10T03:28:32-05:00June 27, 2018|Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Economy, Report|Comments Off on The Shifting Supply and Demand of Care Work: The Growing Role of People of Color and Immigrants