Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

Sick in San Francisco

"San Francisco is one of the few cities nationally to have passed a paid sick leave ordinance. 'When it was passed, employers said it was going to be a job killer and that the record keeping was [...]

July 6, 2011|

‘Job Killers’ That Aren’t

"Local business organizations vigorously opposed San Francisco's[Paid Sick Leave] law when it was proposed, predicting job losses, shuttered businesses and slashed benefits. But they were wrong. A recent survey by the Institute of Women's Policy [...]

May 19, 2011|

'Job Killers' That Aren't

"Local business organizations vigorously opposed San Francisco's[Paid Sick Leave] law when it was proposed, predicting job losses, shuttered businesses and slashed benefits. But they were wrong. A recent survey by the Institute of Women's Policy [...]

May 19, 2011|