Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

Balancing Books and Babies

"Rooney is one of about 3.9 million student parents working on their undergraduate degrees in the United States. Nearly half those students are single parents and work full-time jobs, according to a  2011 report by [...]

July 26, 2011|

Was the ‘Mancession’ Just a Mirage?

"Initially, it looked as if male workers were suffering more from the recession because men outnumber women in fields like construction, manufacturing, and other areas that retrenched at the recession's onset. Women, on the other [...]

July 19, 2011|

Was the 'Mancession' Just a Mirage?

"Initially, it looked as if male workers were suffering more from the recession because men outnumber women in fields like construction, manufacturing, and other areas that retrenched at the recession's onset. Women, on the other [...]

July 19, 2011|

Debt Deal May Be Unfair to Women

"In 2009, Social Security helped more than 14 million Americans 65 and older stay above the poverty line, according to research from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research . Without access to Social Security, 58 [...]

July 19, 2011|