Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

Social Security increase should be bigger

"But rather than increasing the Social Security COLA to keep up with escalating health costs, most inside-the-beltway discussions these days revolve around adopting a lower COLA as a way to help close Social Security's modest [...]

October 21, 2011|

TV's New Retro Babes Are No Role Models

"No. 2: While the wage gap between younger women and men has narrowed slightly, men in all age groups still make more than women, according to data from the Institute for Women's Policy Research, a [...]

September 30, 2011|

Obama Jobs Plan: Women Pleasantly Surprised

"Obama also emphasized the need to rebuild the nation’s physical infrastructure and committed specific funding for outreach and training to ensure that these jobs revitalizing schools, roads and rails are available to women and minorities. [...]

September 14, 2011|