COVID-19 and Recovery ResponseAdministrator2022-03-09T14:54:59-05:00

COVID-19 and Recovery Response

As the pandemic enters its third year and the nation turns to recovery, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research is committed to amplifying and addressing the challenges women face. IWPR’s new research provides insights and recommendations for policymakers to help meet the urgent and long-term needs of women, their families, and their communities.

What Women Want: IWPR National Survey Details Priorities for the New Administration

A new National Survey by IWPR finds in first 100 days and beyond, affordable, high-quality healthcare, getting the economic recession under control, and job creation are top priorities for women for the new Administration and Congress. Women have been most affected by the COVID-incited economic downturn

By Jeff Hayes and C. Nicole Mason|February 24, 2021|Briefing Paper, In the Lead, Publications|

Congress Considers a Minimum Wage Boost – What the Fight for 15 Means for Women

Big things are happening for the minimum wage. The Raise the Wage Act, which includes a $15 minimum wage and full elimination of the subminimum wage for tipped workers, disabled workers, and youth continues to move through Congress. If passed in the House of Representatives, the bill would move to the Senate, where the Senate Parliamentarian will decide if the Raise the Wage Act will remain a part Biden’s existing COVID relief plan. If it does not move forward with [...]

By Zahra Crim|February 22, 2021|In the Lead|

Working Moms are Exhausted – Here’s How We Can Support Them

Working mothers have searched for an equilibrium between caretaking and job responsibilities for far too long. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, mothers had to figure out how to parent, teach, and do the job they were paid to do – all while under the financial and emotional stress of a pandemic. Many women have struggled with the extra burdens, but these strains are not something that can be relieved by mothers alone. The exhaustion and burnout that women [...]

By Zahra Crim|February 12, 2021|In the Lead|

What the Child Tax Credit Bill Could Mean for Working Moms

The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting school and care center closures compounded a child care crisis already pushing working mothers to the brink. On Monday, February 8, the Biden administration unveiled the Child Tax Credit Bill to provide economic relief for working parents and families. The plan promises at least $3000 per child over the course of the year and will be presented to the House Ways and Means Committee over the coming weeks. The full benefit would be available to [...]

By Zahra Crim|February 10, 2021|In the Lead|

Building a Better Post-COVID Future for Women in New Orleans

The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact on women’s employment across the nation, and perhaps nowhere more than the city of New Orleans, a metropolitan area heavily dependent on hospitality and tourism dollars that have all but vanished during the past year. A new study by Chandra Childers, a Study Director at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, looks at the potential opportunities for women who have lost jobs during the pandemic to find new opportunities in skilled trade [...]

By IWPR|February 10, 2021|Press Hits|

What it means to return to a “pre-pandemic” economy

By Kimberly Adams A new report from the Congressional Budget Office predicts gross domestic product could return to pre-pandemic levels as early as mid-2021, even without additional federal aid. The CBO said the labor market will take longer to reach its pre-pandemic size — probably not until 2024. But let’s examine that baseline concept: the idea of getting back to the “pre-pandemic” economy. Even if the numbers return to where they once were, the economy is probably going to look [...]

By IWPR|February 2, 2021|Press Hits|