Fact Sheet

Gender and Racial Wage Gaps Worsened in 2023 and Pay Equity Still Decades Away

In 2023, women working full-time year-round made 82.7 cents [...]

The Well-Being of Women in Utah in 2019

The percentage of women working part-time in Utah is still the highest in the nation. Business ownership and representation in professional and managerial positions among Utah women are also increasing, more Utah women now live above the poverty line, and women in Utah have made great strides in education attainment; however, the progress in these areas is markedly different when race and ethnicity are taken into account.

By Valerie Lacarte|2020-08-27T01:31:27-05:00August 12, 2019|Fact Sheet, Status of Women|0 Comments

The Well-Being of Women in Utah in 2018

As of 2016, women in Utah still work outside of the home at similar rates to women nationally and—while not yet at the same levels as U.S. women—they also continue to pursue business ownership, make progress in educational attainment, and overcome some aspects of poverty.

By Erin Jemison and Jessica Milli|2020-08-27T01:33:45-05:00August 23, 2018|Fact Sheet, Status of Women|0 Comments