The Wage Gap and Occupational Segregation
Race and Gender differences are still very significant.
Race and Gender differences are still very significant.
The gender wage gap and occupational segregation – men primarily working in occupations done by other men, and women primarily working with other women – are persistent features of the US labor market.
By Holly Kearl This April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. [...]
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan's budget slashes programs that [...]
by Jennifer Clark On April 12, we will “celebrate” Equal Pay [...]
by Mallory Mpare The U.S. has often been dubbed the [...]
by Caroline Dobuzinskis IWPR was honored to have [...]
The US economy has been growing since mid-2009. And yet, unemployment remains high, wages remain stagnant, and the Great Recession continues for millions of American families. Federal public debt is at an all time high, and states with budget shortfalls must balance their budgets.
By Jennifer Clark and Ariane Hegewisch The Supreme Court heard [...]
Analysis from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) finds substantial variation across the country in rates of access to paid sick days for private sector employees.