Women’s Median Earnings as a Percent of Men’s Median Earnings, 1960-2013 (Full-time, Year-round Workers) with Projection for Pay Equity in 2058


By Administrator and IWPR|2021-01-23T15:15:49-05:00September 16, 2014|IWPR|Comments Off on Women’s Median Earnings as a Percent of Men’s Median Earnings, 1960-2013 (Full-time, Year-round Workers) with Projection for Pay Equity in 2058

Washington, DC, Ranks Highest for Women’s Employment and Earnings; West Virginia Ranks Lowest

States across the nation vary considerably in their progress [...]

By IWPR|2021-06-05T14:34:05-05:00September 1, 2014|IWPR|Comments Off on Washington, DC, Ranks Highest for Women’s Employment and Earnings; West Virginia Ranks Lowest

The Costs and Benefits of Paid Sick Days (Testimony before the Mayor’s Task Force on Paid Sick Leave of Philadelphia)

Testimony of Jessica Milli, Ph.D., before the Mayor’s Task Force on Paid Sick Leave of Philadelphia (August 6, 2014)

By Jessica Milli|2020-11-25T00:53:58-05:00August 6, 2014|IWPR|Comments Off on The Costs and Benefits of Paid Sick Days (Testimony before the Mayor’s Task Force on Paid Sick Leave of Philadelphia)

Community College Students Need Fair Job Scheduling Practices

Working is often critical to community college students’ ability to pursue a postsecondary education, but holding a job while in school can threaten a student’s success in college.

By Lindsey Reichlin Cruse and Barbara Gault|2020-11-16T00:48:02-05:00July 22, 2014|IWPR|Comments Off on Community College Students Need Fair Job Scheduling Practices