Executive Summary–Pathways to Equity: Narrowing the Wage Gap by Improving Women’s Access to Good Middle-Skill Jobs

This report addresses women’s access to well-paid, growing, middle-skill jobs (jobs that do not require a bachelor’s degree). It documents sex segregation in middle-skill jobs, and discusses how gender integration of good jobs could both reduce skill-shortages and improve women’s economic security.

By Ariane Hegewisch, Barbara Gault, Heidi Hartmann and M. Phil.|2020-11-23T22:54:19-05:00March 24, 2016|IWPR|Comments Off on Executive Summary–Pathways to Equity: Narrowing the Wage Gap by Improving Women’s Access to Good Middle-Skill Jobs

Pathways to Equity: Narrowing the Wage Gap by Improving Women’s Access to Good Middle-Skill Jobs

This report addresses women’s access to well-paid, growing, middle-skill jobs (jobs that do not require a bachelor’s degree).

By Ariane Hegewisch|2020-12-27T19:25:09-05:00March 24, 2016|IWPR|Comments Off on Pathways to Equity: Narrowing the Wage Gap by Improving Women’s Access to Good Middle-Skill Jobs

Women Gain 167,000 Jobs Out of 242,000 Jobs Added in February

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) analysis of the March employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) finds that women gained 167,000 jobs and men gained 75,000 for a total of 242,000 jobs added in February, giving women 69 percent of job growth.

By IWPR|2020-11-15T00:23:40-05:00March 4, 2016|IWPR|Comments Off on Women Gain 167,000 Jobs Out of 242,000 Jobs Added in February

The Gender Wage Gap and Public Policy

Women’s earnings are crucial to their families’ economic well-being. Women are close to half of all employees in the United States, they are half of all workers with college degrees, and they are the co- or main breadwinners in close to two thirds of families with children, yet they persistently earn less than men.

By Cynthia Costello and M. Phil.|2020-11-29T01:42:45-05:00February 29, 2016|IWPR|Comments Off on The Gender Wage Gap and Public Policy

The Role of the Federal Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program in Supporting Student Parent Success

Affordable, quality child care is crucial to the postsecondary success of the 4.8 million undergraduate students raising dependent children.

By Lindsey Reichlin Cruse, Barbara Gault and Mary Sykes|2020-12-20T17:27:19-05:00February 29, 2016|IWPR|Comments Off on The Role of the Federal Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program in Supporting Student Parent Success