Tanima Ahmed, Ph.D.

About Tanima Ahmed

IWPR Doctoral Fellow in Gender Policy Analysis in Economics

Tanima Ahmed is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at American University. She also works as a research fellow at the Institute of Women’s Policy Research and a consultant at World Bank Group. Her research covers development topics, such as labor supply, time use, collective bargaining and unionization, the wage gap, culture, gender, poverty, household well-being, eldercare, childcare, paid family leave, agriculture, and monetary economics. So far, Tanima has studied the development issues of Bangladesh, India, South Africa, and the US. Her dissertation covers topics on gender and development – the impact of child grants on time use of single parents in South Africa, the measurement of eldercare in the US, and pro-girl attitudes of mothers and childhood stunting in India. Tanima’s research has been published in journals like the World Development (conservatism and female well-being in Bangladesh) and the Journal of Development Areas (monetarist and structuralist controversy in determining inflation in Bangladesh). Prior to joining the Ph.D. program, she has also worked in various research institutes and has experience with proposal writing, survey designs, field surveys, and data analysis. Her research interests include development, gender, finance and banking, and labor economics.

Providing Unpaid Household and Care Work in the United States: Uncovering Inequality

In the United States, women spend considerably more time than men over their lifetime doing unpaid household and care work. The unequal distribution of this work—work that is essential for families and societies to thrive—not only limits women’s career choices and economic empowerment, but also affects their overall health and well-being.

By Jeff Hayes, Cynthia Hess, Ph.D. and Tanima Ahmed|2021-10-28T13:30:26-05:00January 20, 2020|Economic, Security, Mobility, and Equity|Comments Off on Providing Unpaid Household and Care Work in the United States: Uncovering Inequality

Geographic Mobility, Gender, and the Future of Work

Geographically, economic opportunity is unequally distributed across the United States. A disproportionate share of all private-sector jobs—one in five—are located in just four metropolitan areas: New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Seattle.

By Chandra Childers, Ariane Hegewisch, Tanima Ahmed and Amy Burnett Cross|2020-07-26T17:21:16-05:00December 19, 2019|Economic, Security, Mobility, and Equity, Report|Comments Off on Geographic Mobility, Gender, and the Future of Work

Growing the Numbers of Women in the Trades: Building Equity and Inclusion through Pre-Apprenticeship Programs

Greater access to apprenticeships in the skilled trades can help women achieve economic security and fill predicted skills shortages in construction. The construction trades provide good careers with family sustaining earnings.

By Ariane Hegewisch and Tanima Ahmed|2020-07-26T17:48:43-05:00November 14, 2019|Briefing Paper, Economic, Security, Mobility, and Equity|Comments Off on Growing the Numbers of Women in the Trades: Building Equity and Inclusion through Pre-Apprenticeship Programs