DC Basic Economic Security Tables-What It Is and Why It Matters-Fact Sheet (2010)
The Basic Economic Security Tables for the United States, 2010
Maine lawmakers are now considering LD 1665, which would require employers to provide all workers with paid sick days.
The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) is the primary basis for federally funded workforce development. One of its stated purposes it to “increase the employment, retention and earnings of participants…”
DOWNLOAD REPORT The Institute has just released [...]
New Hampshire lawmakers are now considering HB 662, which would make it mandatory for businesses with 10 or more employees to provide paid sick days.
New York City lawmakers are now considering a law that would require employers provide all workers with paid sick days.
The federal government, unlike many large private employers, does not provide paid parental leave to its employees.
Women who maintain families without a spouse present are almost twice as likely as married men to be unemployed, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics for August 2009.