Ashley English

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So far Ashley English has created 7 blog entries.

A Selection of US Government Actions to Advance Women

Between 1960 and 1981 there was always a government body tasked with monitoring progress for women across all spheres and making recommendations. The recommendations were frequently implemented.

By Heidi Hartmann and Ashley English|2020-10-30T16:25:43-05:00March 27, 2017|IWPR|Comments Off on A Selection of US Government Actions to Advance Women

More Men to Benefit from Expanded Coverage under Health Care Reform

Men are a substantial majority of non-elderly adults in the United States who lack health insurance.

By Heidi HartmannAshley EnglishJohn Schmitt and Hye Jin Rho|2020-11-11T22:11:54-05:00May 31, 2010|IWPR|Comments Off on More Men to Benefit from Expanded Coverage under Health Care Reform

Are Women Now Half the Labor Force? The Truth about Women and Equal Participation in the Labor Force

For more than a year the news media have been tracking the moment when women might become half the labor force. In spring 2009, it was said it might happen in the next few months, by summer it was said maybe it would happen in the fall.

By Ashley EnglishHeidi Hartmann and Jeff Hayes|2020-11-16T00:43:01-05:00March 31, 2010|IWPR|Comments Off on Are Women Now Half the Labor Force? The Truth about Women and Equal Participation in the Labor Force

Who Are Social Security Beneficiaries? (Updated)

Social Security – formally called Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) – is a social insurance program that provides benefits to workers and their families upon retirement, disability, or death.

By Ashley English and Sunhwa Lee|2020-11-23T01:47:03-05:00March 1, 2010|IWPR|Comments Off on Who Are Social Security Beneficiaries? (Updated)

Women and Men’s Employment and Unemployment in the Great Recession

Since December 2007, the U.S. economy has been in the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Because much of the slowdown has occurred in traditionally male fields such as manufacturing and construction while a few traditionally female fields such as health and education have shown job growth or minimal job loss, many reports have focused on the job losses among men in the labor force.

By Heidi HartmannAshley English and Jeff Hayes|2025-01-27T19:24:29-05:00January 31, 2010|Equitable Work and Wages|0 Comments