Parents in College By the Numbers
DOWNLOAD REPORT Two-generation (2Gen) programs and policies create [...]
DOWNLOAD REPORT Two-generation (2Gen) programs and policies create [...]
DOWNLOAD REPORT Single Mothers with College Degrees Much [...]
Postsecondary education is a reliable pathway to economic security and is increasingly important to securing family-sustaining employment. For single mother families, who make up a growing share of U.S. families, and who are especially likely to live in poverty, college attainment is a game changer for improving family well-being and meeting the demands of a changing economy.
By Rachel Karp The number of single mothers in college [...]
DOWNLOAD REPORT Single student mothers are growing in [...]
For parents, receiving a college degree is one of the best investments they can make to improve the financial security, social mobility, and overall well-being of their family.
This report provides a national and regional profile of undergraduate college students who are raising dependent children.
Given the importance of higher education to a family’s economic security and their children’s future success, ensuring that student parents have access to affordable, quality care must be a priority for educational institutions, higher education advocates, and policymakers.
Power Point presentation from Women's Funding Network Conference workshop "Powerful Partnerships: Foundations and Community Colleges".