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William Lutz |

8 steps economists say could help close the gender pay gap

Abigail Hess And this gap isn't changing very quickly. According to the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR), if the pay gap continues to narrow at the same pace it has over the past 50 years, women will not reach pay parity until 2059. For women of color this [...]

May 9, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

Why American moms are seriously struggling

Alia E. Dastagir, USA TODAY A survey of 253 employers affected by California’s paid family leave found over 90% reported either no effect or a positive effect on productivity, profitability, turnover and morale. Research also suggests expanding paid leave would reduce public assistance spending, according to [...]

May 9, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

Why Elizabeth Warren’s student debt plan is a big deal for women

Casey Quinlan The gender pay gap, which has been well-established by researchers over decades, continues to set back women’s economic progress, with women making only 80.5 centsfor every dollar earned by men in 2017, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. Latina women earned 53% of white [...]

April 23, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

Women Will Face Disproportionately Negative Consequences from AI

Michelle Chen The first-ever study to map the labor consequences of AI for women, published by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), is a reminder of the intractable stubbornness of gender inequality, despite, or increasingly, because of, the direction of our digital future. >>Read more

April 12, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|