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Press Room

For Media Inquiries or Permission Requests:

William Lutz |

What the American Jobs Plan Will Mean for the Care Economy

On Wednesday afternoon, President Joe Biden traveled to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to unveil his $2 trillion plan to boost the economy and rebuild infrastructure across America. The sweeping proposal, called the American Jobs Plan, is part of President Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda and will tackle [...]

Mothers Anxious to Break Out of ‘She-Cession’ and Get Back to Work

By Bianna Golodryga and Meridith Edwards New York (CNN) - Nearly a year after the coronavirus pandemic shuttered her son's school and her daughter's day care, Diana Limongi hit a wall. "I was in bed for three days, I thought I had Covid, but I [...]

April 1, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , , , , , |

As Biden pushes split infrastructure plan, working women see a make-or-break moment

By Eric Rosenbaum If President Biden’s infrastructure plan makes you first think of hard hats, roads and bridges — maybe in 2021, also wind, solar and electrical vehicles — you have not been paying attention as closely as many working women. On Capitol Hill, in [...]

March 30, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , , , , |

IWPR Report Highlights Challenges of Student-Parents

By Sarah Wood Upon moving from New York to Pennsylvania due to the high cost of living, Irene Price and her husband struggled to find living wage jobs without a college degree. Those financial challenges increased after the birth of their first child. Wanting more [...]

March 30, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , , , |

Louisiana has one of the largest gender wage gaps in the country

By Alyssa Azzara MONROE, La. (KNOE) - March 24 was equal pay day and Louisiana has one of the largest gender wage gaps in the country. A report done by the National Partnership for Women and Families, said women in Louisiana make $0.69 for every [...]

March 25, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , , |