Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

Women Picking Up the Pace in Economic Recovery

"Women’s employment finally appears to be climbing, resulting in nearly equal job growth over the past three months for both genders, according to an analysis of the latest employment statistics from the Labor Department conducted [...]

January 9, 2012|

Sweet Victories: Lessons for 2012

"But even when the moral argument is clear, one lesson from both the Seattle and Connecticut victories is this: only hard, savvy organizing can overcome the entrenched corporate interests and Big Business lobbies with their [...]

January 6, 2012|

The ‘Mancession’ Fallacy: A New Sitcom That Gets Everything Wrong About Our Economic Recovery

And whatever “Work It!” suggests to the contrary, women still don’t outnumber men in the workplace. They currently account for 49.4 percent of the payrolled workforce , up from approximately 45 percent before the recession [...]

January 3, 2012|