Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

How Abortion Restrictions like Texas’s Push Pregnant People into Poverty

By Chabeli Carrazana A study of hundreds of pregnant women over a decade found that 72 percent of those who were denied care ended up living in poverty. For the better part of a decade, [...]

September 7, 2021|Tags: , , , |

The Unpaid Teacher Crisis No One is Talking About: Women Did More Homeschooling than Men in 2020

By Madison Hoff The pandemic and related lockdowns naturally affected what Americans do every day, and new data shows that women spent more time on homeschooling and care responsibilities than men did in 2020. The [...]

July 29, 2021|Tags: , , , , |

Pope Francis Agrees: Equal Pay for Women is Long (Long) Overdue

By John W. Miller Editor's Note: The Moral Economy is a new series that tackles key economic topics through the prism of Catholic social teaching and its care for the dignity of every person. This is the [...]

July 26, 2021|Tags: , , , , , |

Here’s What You Said Would Improve the Lives of Utah Women

By Becky Jacobs Editor’s note: This article is part of a series examining the status of Utah women. Read the editorial explaining the project and fact checks on issues that typically drive the state’s ranking [...]

How Much Does Workplace Sexual Harassment Cost Over a Lifetime? Up to $1.3 Million, a New Study Estimates

By Meera Jagannathan Workplace sexual harassment can have many intangible psychological and physical consequences, but survivors also face concrete financial costs in the near and long term, according to a new report published nearly four [...]

Sexual Harassment Can Cost Victims Hundreds of Thousands

By Hannah Mitchell Sexual harassment doesn't just affect survivors' emotional well-being, it can cost them up to $1 million over their lifetime, according to a July 21 report by The Institute for Women's Policy Research. [...]