SWS – Political ParticipationAdministrator2021-09-20T00:30:50-05:00

Political  Participation

Shaping their own future

When women participate in the political process, they shape policies in ways that reflect their interests and needs. The Status of Women in the States’ Political Participation Index looks at women as voters, grassroots activists and campaign fundraisers, and officeholders and examines the uneven progress they have made.

Explore the Data

The Political Participation Index measures women’s political participation through four key indicators. Each state is ranked and graded based on their performance on these four measures.

Political Participation Rank and Score by State

Articles and Publications

Want to Help Women? Get Rid of the Tipped Minimum Wage.

Tipping is a prevalent practice in the United States and has been subject to debate in recent years, partly amidst a global pandemic that drastically impacted the restaurant industry and triggered a cost-of-living crisis. The fact sheet provides national and state-by-state estimates of the [...]

Native Women Won’t Reach Pay Equity Until 2202

Native American women face some of the starkest economic outcomes among women in the United States, including one of the largest gender wage gap of any ethnic and racial group. In 2023, American Indian and Alaskan Native women with earnings (including full- time, part-time, [...]

By IWPR|November 18, 2024|Fact Sheet|