Fact Sheet

The Well-Being of Women in Utah in 2018

As of 2016, women in Utah still work outside of the home at similar rates to women nationally and—while not yet at the same levels as U.S. women—they also continue to pursue business ownership, make progress in educational attainment, and overcome some aspects of poverty.

By Erin Jemison and Jessica Milli|2020-08-27T01:33:45-05:00August 23, 2018|Fact Sheet, Status of Women|0 Comments

The Economic Status of Women in Collin, Dallas, & Denton Counties, Texas

Women in Texas have made progress in recent years, but still face inequities that can prevent them from reaching their full potential. This fact sheet examines trends in Texas women’s status in the areas of employment and earnings, and poverty and opportunity.

By Julie Anderson|2020-08-27T01:36:37-05:00May 1, 2018|Fact Sheet, Status of Women|Comments Off on The Economic Status of Women in Collin, Dallas, & Denton Counties, Texas

The Economic Status of Women in the States

This Fact Sheet presents findings from analysis of the Employment & Earnings Index and Poverty & Opportunity Index of The Status of Women in the States series, a comprehensive project that presents and analyzes data for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

By Julie Anderson and Jennifer Clark|2020-08-10T04:17:28-05:00March 28, 2018|Fact Sheet, Status of Women|Comments Off on The Economic Status of Women in the States

Key Findings on the Economic Status of Women in North Carolina

Women in North Carolina have made significant social and economic advances in recent decades, but the need for further progress remains. A forthcoming report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), The Status of Women in North Carolina, shows that many of North Carolina’s women are vulnerable to challenges such as unemployment, a persistent wage gap, poverty, and the high cost of child care.

By Cynthia Hess, Ph.D. and Ariane Hegewisch|2020-09-09T17:13:55-05:00August 23, 2012|Fact Sheet, Status of Women|Comments Off on Key Findings on the Economic Status of Women in North Carolina

Women, Disasters, and Hurricane Katrina

Major disasters during the last decade have pushed planners and researchers to examine more closely the disparities among those hurt when crises hit. Research suggests that women often suffer disproportionately in comparison to most men when disaster strikes, while the elderly, and people in poverty, are more vulnerable than those with more mobility and those with greater access to resources.

By Jane HenriciAllison Suppan Helmuth and Jackie Braun|2020-09-19T16:15:47-05:00August 28, 2010|Fact Sheet|0 Comments