Population Policy Brief Series: Older Survivors & Economic Security

This Population Policy Brief focuses on the victimization, costs of abuse and barriers to safety and recovery that older survivors experience.

By Wider Opportunities for Women|2021-01-07T00:21:51-05:00October 1, 2013|IWPR|Comments Off on Population Policy Brief Series: Older Survivors & Economic Security

Gender Poverty Gap Grows in Recovery: Men’s Poverty Dropped Since Recession, Women’s Poverty Stagnates

The persistent gap in male and female poverty has been growing during the economic recovery, with 16.3 percent of females, and 13.6 percent of males living in poverty in 2012.

By Jeff Hayes, Barbara Gault and Heidi Hartmann|2021-01-23T16:12:06-05:00September 20, 2013|IWPR|Comments Off on Gender Poverty Gap Grows in Recovery: Men’s Poverty Dropped Since Recession, Women’s Poverty Stagnates

125,000 Jobs Gained by Women in August: Job Growth for Women Continues to Accelerate

According to the IWPR analysis of the September employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), job growth remained anemic in August for men, but accelerated slightly for women.

By IWPR|2020-10-30T17:32:05-05:00September 6, 2013|IWPR|Comments Off on 125,000 Jobs Gained by Women in August: Job Growth for Women Continues to Accelerate

The Importance of Social Security in the Incomes of Older Americans: Differences by Gender, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Marital Status

Social Security is the largest source of income for most older Americans and is even more vital to particular demographic subgroups of older Americans.

By Jocelyn Fischer and Jeff Hayes|2021-01-17T22:14:06-05:00August 14, 2013|IWPR|Comments Off on The Importance of Social Security in the Incomes of Older Americans: Differences by Gender, Age, Race/Ethnicity, and Marital Status

117,000 Jobs Gained by Women in July: Number of Women’s Jobs Is Approaching Pre-Recession Level

According to the IWPR analysis of the August employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), job growth slowed in July for men, but accelerated slightly for women.

By IWPR|2020-11-13T03:14:47-05:00August 2, 2013|IWPR|Comments Off on 117,000 Jobs Gained by Women in July: Number of Women’s Jobs Is Approaching Pre-Recession Level