Strengthening Social Security for Women
A report from the working conference on Women and Social Security.
A report from the working conference on Women and Social Security.
Explains how unemployment insurance (UI) works and discusses how women workers are often excluded from eligibility.
(Based on IWPR Report, Equal Pay for Working Families, by Heidi Hartmann, PhD, Katherine Allen, and Christine Owens)
The Welfare Reform Act of 1996 fundamentally changed welfare in ways that may negatively impact the housing stability of current and former TANF recipients and their families.
Examines the problem of access to the Texas Unemployment Insurance program by documenting inequitable treatment of low-wage, part-time, women, and minority workers.
A comprehensive study of women’s lives in Mississippi.
A comprehensive study of women’s lives in Florida.
A comprehensive study of women’s lives in Vermont.
This inclusive report can be used to compare women's progress in each state over time. It provides national maps, data, and rankings for all the 50 states and the District of Columbia for each two-year cycle. All key indicators in the core areas of political participation, employment and earnings, social and economic autonomy, and reproductive rights are included.
A comprehensive study of women’s lives in Oregon.