
Despite modest employment gains, women still 5.5 million jobs below pre-pandemic level. Unemployment for Black and Hispanic women remains high.

New October jobs data show women remain 5.5 million jobs below February's levels. Despite women gaining 280,000 (43.9 percent) of 638,000 new non-farm payroll jobs since October and adult women having lower unemployment rates (6.5 percent) than men (6.7 percent) for the first time since April, stubborn trends continue.

By Keri Potts|2020-11-06T17:44:33-05:00November 6, 2020|Press Releases|0 Comments

‘If We Had a Panic Button, We’d be Hitting it.’ Women Are Exiting the Labor Force En Masse—And That’s Bad For Everyone

The United States is in the midst of a crushing economic recession, COVID-19 infection rates are spiking, and thousands of schools and childcare facilities have yet to reopen in-person classrooms. The group bearing the brunt of this torrent of bad news? Women.

By IWPR|2020-10-22T21:08:32-05:00October 17, 2020|Press Hits|0 Comments

Women Fall Further Behind Men in Recovery and Are 5.8 Million Jobs Below Pre-COVID Employment Level

New jobs figures from September show much less job growth than in the previous month, particularly for women, according to the U.S. Bureau for Labor Statistics latest Employment Situation release. Women’s official rates unemployment fell, while the number of women who are no longer actively looking for work increased.

By Ariane Hegewisch|2025-01-27T19:24:10-05:00October 6, 2020|Equitable Work and Wages|0 Comments

Facing dual challenges of work and home-schooling, more women are sacrificing their careers

As virtual schooling ramps up in some areas, women are being forced to make the choice between caring for their children or prioritizing their own career.

By IWPR|2025-01-27T20:44:53-05:00October 5, 2020|Caregiving and Families|0 Comments