The Status of Women in Kentucky
A comprehensive study of women’s lives in Kentucky.
A comprehensive study of women’s lives in Kentucky.
As more and more mothers enter the paid labor force, and/or work outside of the home, increasing numbers and proportions of children are experiencing care provided in a group context, and/or by someone other than their own parents.
A recent report by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) contains numerous misleading conclusions about women’s progress in the federal government and the impact of pay equity (also known as comparable worth) on women’s future employment gains in this sector.
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Children, Families, Drugs and Alcoholism, Committee on Labor and Human Resources, U.S., using figures and charts from IWPR’s study Unnecessary Losses: Costs to Americans of the Lack of Family and Medical Leave.
Research conducted by the Institute for Women's Policy Research suggests that two types of strategies are needed to solve the programs of the working poor and to improve the living standards of the millions who currently depend on welfare.