Diana Pierce

About Diana Pierce

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So far Diana Pierce has created 7 blog entries.

Welfare is Not for Women: Toward a Model of Advocacy to Meet the Needs of Women in Poverty

The other America described two decades ago by Michael Harrington is a changing neighborhood: men are moving out, while women, many with children, are moving in.

By Diana Pierce|2020-12-27T18:34:02-05:00January 1, 1997|IWPR|Comments Off on Welfare is Not for Women: Toward a Model of Advocacy to Meet the Needs of Women in Poverty

The Family Support Act: An Analysis of Key Components, Draft Federal Regulations, and State Options


By Diana Pierce|2021-01-07T02:25:32-05:00April 1, 1989|IWPR|Comments Off on The Family Support Act: An Analysis of Key Components, Draft Federal Regulations, and State Options

High Skill and Low Pay: The Economics of Child Care Work

In the midst of a debate over the cost and quality of child care and the appropriate public role in its provision, this paper documents the current situation of child care workers.

By Heidi Hartmann and Diana Pierce|2020-11-23T23:40:42-05:00January 1, 1989|IWPR|Comments Off on High Skill and Low Pay: The Economics of Child Care Work

Wages and Salaries of Child Care Workers: The Economic and Social Implications of Raising Child Care Workers’ Salaries

As more and more mothers enter the paid labor force, and/or work outside of the home, increasing numbers and proportions of children are experiencing care provided in a group context, and/or by someone other than their own parents.

By Diana Pierce|2020-12-02T02:15:18-05:00March 15, 1988|IWPR|Comments Off on Wages and Salaries of Child Care Workers: The Economic and Social Implications of Raising Child Care Workers’ Salaries