
Job Growth Strong with Paid Sick Days

Job growth has been strong in San Francisco compared with other Bay Area counties following implementation of a new paid sick days standard in San Francisco on February 5, 2007, according to data from the California Employment Development Department

By Vicky Lovell and Kevin Miller|2020-11-25T00:32:42-05:00October 1, 2008|IWPR|Comments Off on Job Growth Strong with Paid Sick Days

Healers of Our Time: Women, Faith, and Justice, Mapping Report (Executive Summary)

Research reveals that a great majority of women in the U.S. rely on their involvement in religious groups as powerful venues to gather, think, share, and strategize about ways to fortify their own lives as well as serve the common good.

By IWPR|2020-11-29T18:14:12-05:00September 30, 2008|IWPR|Comments Off on Healers of Our Time: Women, Faith, and Justice, Mapping Report (Executive Summary)

A Prescription for Good Asthma Care for Children: Paid Sick Days for Milwaukee Parents Parents’ Lack of Job Flexibility Hurts Children with Chronic Health Problems

Asthma treatment is a priority for Wisconsin’s public health system, according to the Wisconsin Turning Point Transformation Team.

By Vicky Lovell|2021-01-05T01:55:36-05:00September 30, 2008|IWPR|Comments Off on A Prescription for Good Asthma Care for Children: Paid Sick Days for Milwaukee Parents Parents’ Lack of Job Flexibility Hurts Children with Chronic Health Problems

The Challenge to Act: How Progressive Women Activists Reframe American Democracy

The Challenge to Act describes the values-based public visions of women activists involved in progressive movements for change.

By Amy Caiazza, Cynthia Hess, Ph.D., Casey Clevenger and Angela Carlberg|2020-11-11T18:53:33-05:00September 30, 2008|IWPR|Comments Off on The Challenge to Act: How Progressive Women Activists Reframe American Democracy

Valuing Good Health in Milwaukee, The Costs and Benefits of Paid Sick Days

Policy makers across the country are increasingly interested in ensuring the adequacy of paid sick days policies. In addition to concerns about workers' ability to respond to their own health needs, there is growing recognition that, with so many dual-earners and single-parent families, family members' health needs can be addressed only by workers taking time from their scheduled hours on the job.

By Vicky Lovell|2020-11-15T18:48:26-05:00August 31, 2008|IWPR|Comments Off on Valuing Good Health in Milwaukee, The Costs and Benefits of Paid Sick Days

The Healthy Families, Healthy Workplaces Act: Impacts on Workers, Employers, and the Public

Nearly half the private-sector workforce is vulnerable to loss of income or their job when they are sick, and only one in three has a paid sick days policy for caring for their family (Hartmann 2007, Lovell 2004).

By Vicky Lovell|2020-12-01T00:08:09-05:00July 31, 2008|IWPR|Comments Off on The Healthy Families, Healthy Workplaces Act: Impacts on Workers, Employers, and the Public

Some Small and Medium-Size Establishments Join Large Ones in Offering Paid Sick Days

Paid time off benefits are less common in smaller firms, but even in the smallest—those with one to nine employees—more than half provide paid sick days (56 percent), and nearly three-quarters have vacation policies (72 percent).

By IWPR|2020-10-31T04:11:09-05:00June 30, 2008|IWPR|Comments Off on Some Small and Medium-Size Establishments Join Large Ones in Offering Paid Sick Days

Women at Greater Risk of Economic Insecurity: A Gender Analysis of the Rockefeller Foundation’s American Worker Survey

In February 2007, at the request of the Rockefeller Foundation, the consulting firm Yankelovich fielded a survey to explore Americans’ sense of economic insecurity.

By Vicky Lovell, Heidi Hartmann and Claudia Williams|2020-12-14T03:16:22-05:00April 30, 2008|IWPR|Comments Off on Women at Greater Risk of Economic Insecurity: A Gender Analysis of the Rockefeller Foundation’s American Worker Survey