
The Pink to Green Toolkit 3.9: Interviewing Rating Sheet

Use this tool to provide feedback to training participants on their interviewing skills. If training instructors and job developers are using this tool with industry and apprenticeship program staff who have volunteered to conduct mock interviews, they should provide each interviewer with multiple copies of this tool and give a short overview of how best to complete the sheet.

By Wider Opportunities for Women|2020-12-11T02:11:15-05:00July 1, 2012|IWPR|Comments Off on The Pink to Green Toolkit 3.9: Interviewing Rating Sheet

The Pink to Green Toolkit 3.10: Interviewing for the Construction Industry – Preparing Women to be Competitive Candidates

Occupational training participants can use this tool to prepare themselves for interviews.

By Wider Opportunities for Women|2020-12-11T02:33:00-05:00July 1, 2012|IWPR|Comments Off on The Pink to Green Toolkit 3.10: Interviewing for the Construction Industry – Preparing Women to be Competitive Candidates

The Pink to Green Toolkit 1.1: Adding a Gender Lens to Green Jobs Training Programs

Would you be surprised to learn that Latina women earn an average of only 60 percent of men’s wages? Use this quiz in an orientation or information session to prompt awareness about the need for women to have access to jobs in traditionally higher paid, male-dominated blue-collar careers.

By Wider Opportunities for Women|2020-12-11T03:03:16-05:00July 1, 2012|IWPR|Comments Off on The Pink to Green Toolkit 1.1: Adding a Gender Lens to Green Jobs Training Programs

Getting Started: A Handbook to Address Economic Security for Survivors

A Handbook to Address Economic Security for Survivors is a step-by-step tool for transitional housing professionals on how to comprehensively address the economic security of survivors.

By Wider Opportunities for Women|2021-01-07T01:34:23-05:00June 1, 2012|IWPR|Comments Off on Getting Started: A Handbook to Address Economic Security for Survivors

Job Growth for Women Continues in May: Both Men and Women Have Regained More Than 40 Percent of Jobs Lost

According to IWPR analysis of the June employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), job growth continued in May with 69,000 jobs added to nonfarm payrolls.

By IWPR|2020-12-27T17:31:01-05:00June 1, 2012|IWPR|Comments Off on Job Growth for Women Continues in May: Both Men and Women Have Regained More Than 40 Percent of Jobs Lost

Community College Partnerships for Student and Career Success: Program Profile of Carreras en Salud

Postsecondary students with children often need an array of supports to succeed in their studies, which can require significant coordination among new and existing services (Conway, Blair, and Helmer 2012; Henrici n.d.; Miller, Gault and Thorman 2011).

By Jane Henrici|2020-12-28T03:20:22-05:00June 1, 2012|IWPR|Comments Off on Community College Partnerships for Student and Career Success: Program Profile of Carreras en Salud

Valuing Good Health in Massachusetts: The Costs and Benefits of Paid Sick Days

Policymakers across the country are increasingly interested in ensuring that workers can take paid time off when they are sick

By Kevin Miller and Claudia Williams|2020-11-08T01:22:40-05:00May 21, 2012|IWPR|Comments Off on Valuing Good Health in Massachusetts: The Costs and Benefits of Paid Sick Days

Valuing Good Health in Massachusetts: The Costs and Benefits of Paid Sick Days (Executive Summary)

This report uses data collected by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and the U.S. Census Bureau to evaluate the likely impact of the Massachusetts Act Establishing Earned Paid Sick Time.

By Kevin Miller and Claudia Williams|2020-11-30T23:58:31-05:00May 21, 2012|IWPR|Comments Off on Valuing Good Health in Massachusetts: The Costs and Benefits of Paid Sick Days (Executive Summary)

Paid Time Off: The Elements and Prevalence of Consolidated Leave Plans

Paid Time Off (PTO) banks are an alternative to traditional paid leave plans that consolidate multiple types of leave (paid vacation, sick, and personal days) into a single plan.

By Andrea Lindemann and Kevin Miller|2020-11-12T05:14:37-05:00May 15, 2012|IWPR|Comments Off on Paid Time Off: The Elements and Prevalence of Consolidated Leave Plans