Press ReleasesAdministrator2020-08-11T07:01:28-05:00

Press Releases

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SC mife decision June 2024
Supreme Court Rejects Far Right Effort to Restrict Access to Medication Abortions and Mifepristone

"The far-right effort to block access to mifepristone is not about women’s safety—it is about controlling women’s choices and curtailing their freedoms. It is part of a broader crusade to impose their own ideology on women in this country and prevent them from making their own reproductive health care decisions. Today, we celebrate this decision, but we must remain vigilant against such attacks.”
--IWPR President Dr. Jamila K. Taylor

Black Single Mothers in College
Understanding the Needs of Black Single Mothers in College

IWPR spoke with 25 Black single mothers as they strive for their college degree about the challenges they face and the programs that help them balance family with their academic careers.

EPD 2024 Wage Gap Fact Sheet
On Equal Pay Day 2024, New IWPR Report Reveals that Women Earn Less than Men in All Occupations, Even Ones Commonly Held by Women

Women are paid eighty-four (84) cents for every dollar a man makes, a persistent gender wage gap that spans all professions, even those typically held by women, according to a new report released by IWPR

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IWPR Statement on President-Elect Biden’s American Rescue Plan

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 14, 2021 Contact: Erin Weber | 646-719-7021 | IWPR Statement—The Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) applauds the Biden Administration’s ambitious $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan that will provide needed economic support to struggling families and the workers who have [...]

January 15, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , , , |

December data show women’s employment declining in pandemic—no clear end in sight

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 8, 2021 Contact: Keri A. Potts | 860-839-3438 | Women's jobs on payroll have declined for the first time since last April. New BLS data for December show women lost 156,000 payroll job. Men's jobs on payroll rose slightly [...]

January 8, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , , , |

Statement from IWPR on Passing the Second Stimulus Package

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 21, 2020 Contact: Keri A. Potts | 860-839-3438 | IWPR Statement—We applaud the passage of the $900 billion federal stimulus package meant to ease the economic burden and hardship faced by working women and their families. Although a step in the right direction, [...]

December 21, 2020|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , , |

Women’s Falling Unemployment Sign of Long-Term Problems Rather Than Recovery

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 4, 2020 Contact: Keri A. Potts | 860-839-3438 | Ten months into the COVID-19 pandemic, data continue to show that women are impacted more strongly than men by the recession. Data show 1.7 million women have been officially unemployed for [...]

December 4, 2020|Categories: Press Releases|

New IWPR Report Shows Economic Recovery Hinges on School Reopenings, Strong Care Infrastructure, and Putting Women Back to Work

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 10, 2020 Contact: Keri A. Potts | 860-839-3438 | New IWPR Report Shows Economic Recovery Hinges on School Reopenings, Strong Care Infrastructure, and Putting Women Back to Work Washington, DC — According to a new report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), [...]

November 10, 2020|Categories: Press Releases|

Despite modest employment gains, women still 5.5 million jobs below pre-pandemic level. Unemployment for Black and Hispanic women remains high.

New October jobs data show women remain 5.5 million jobs below February's levels. Despite women gaining 280,000 (43.9 percent) of 638,000 new non-farm payroll jobs since October and adult women having lower unemployment rates (6.5 percent) than men (6.7 percent) for the first time since April, stubborn trends continue.

November 6, 2020|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , , , |