Policies to Support Young Mothers’ Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic upended life for countless families and brought heightened attention to the plight of working parents.

By Administrator|2021-12-17T15:27:02-05:00December 8, 2021|Comments Off on Policies to Support Young Mothers’ Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic

Paying Today and Tomorrow: Charting the Financial Costs of Workplace Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment remains deeply pervasive in the workplace, wreaking havoc on the lives of survivors. This report fills a gap in our knowledge of the economic costs of sexual harassment for the individual women and men who experience it. Drawing on in-depth interviews with survivors of workplace sexual harassment and stakeholder experts, and a review of the literature, the report provides a detailed pathway for capturing the financial consequences of workplace sexual harassment for individual workers in both the short term and over their lifetimes. The research is based on a collaboration between the Institute for Women’s Policy Research and the TIME’S UP Foundation and presents the first step towards identifying the data needed for a comprehensive national assessment of the financial and economic costs of sexual harassment. 

By Ariane Hegewisch, Jessica Forden and Eve Mefferd|2021-07-20T08:29:53-05:00July 21, 2021|Publications, Report|0 Comments

Young Women Workers Still Struggling a Decade After the Great Recession: Lessons for the Pandemic Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a “she-cession,” with women experiencing a disproportionate share of job losses (Institute for Women’s Policy Research 2021). Young women ages 16 to 24 years old suffered the largest percentage decline in employment compared to young men and prime-age workers, mainly due to their concentration in service sectors and occupations that had been hit the hardest by the pandemic recession (Sun 2021). The outsized effects of the COVID-19 pandemic recession on young women reflect pre-existing inequalities in the labor market. Achieving an equitable economic recovery requires understanding how the U.S. labor market has been transformed in the past decade and beyond—to the detriment of workers.

Out of Work, Taking on Care: Young Women Face Mounting Challenges in the “She-Cession”

Longstanding inequities in access to quality jobs and affordable care, along with uneven caregiving responsibilities, create unique challenges for young women of color during this prolonged pandemic recession.    Young women (aged 16 to 24) were more likely to lose their job than young men and workers of other age groups in the initial months of the pandemic recession, largely due to their concentration in industries and occupations that have been hit the hardest by the economic downturn.

The Gender Wage Gap by Occupation, Race, and Ethnicity 2020

In 2020, women earned less than men in almost all occupations, whether they worked in predominantly male, predominantly female, or more integrated occupations. In the lowest paid of the largest 20 occupations for women, Maids and Housekeepers ($503 per week), women are nine-in-ten workers (and face a wage gap of 10.6 percent); in the highest paid of the largest 20 occupations for men, Chief Executives ($2,402 per week), women are fewer than one-in-three workers (and face a wage gap of 24.4 percent).

Busy with Purpose: Lessons for Education and Policy Leaders from Returning Student Parents

Postsecondary attainment is widely recognized as key to accessing living-wage careers—in addition to fulfilling workforce demands and elevating the United States’ standing on the world stage. While much of the work to increase attainment rates has recognized the role of reengaging adults who have some college credit, but no degree or certificate, less attention has been paid to the salience of parenthood in adults’ postsecondary experiences.

IWPR Statement of the Passage of the 1.9 Trillion Stimulus Plan by the House

IWPR applauds the passage of the 1.9 Trillion Stimulus plan by the House of Representatives, and encourages the Senate to do the same. The robust and historic recovery package enjoys high public support and will provide necessary economic support to families hit hardest by the COVID-fueled economic downturn.

By Erin Weber|2021-03-01T00:39:25-05:00March 1, 2021|Press Releases|0 Comments

January’s Decline in Women’s Employment Shows Robust Relief and Recovery Efforts by Administration will be Key

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 1, 2021 Contact: Contact: Erin Weber [...]

By Erin Weber|2021-03-12T21:32:03-05:00February 5, 2021|Media, Press Releases|0 Comments

New Study Shows Pay Secrecy Remains Prevalent in U.S. Workplaces Despite Tightened Legal Restrictions at State Level

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 1, 2021 Contact: Contact: Erin Weber [...]

By Erin Weber|2021-02-03T03:29:22-05:00February 3, 2021|Media, Press Releases|0 Comments