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William Lutz |

How Colleges Tell Student-Parents They Don’t Belong

By Nicole Lynn Lewis As a former young mother in college—at 19, I possessed both a beautiful infant daughter and an acceptance letter to the prestigious William & Mary but no clear path to my degree—I have a firsthand understanding of the various ways in [...]

May 26, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , , , |

How to Cure the She-Cession: 15 Moves to Help Working Women Recover

By Kerri Anne Renzulli More than 4.5 million fewer women are working now than at the start of the pandemic, setting women's participation rate in the workforce back more than 30 years. A combination of layoffs, particularly in female-dominated fields hit hard by COVID like [...]

May 26, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Exclusive: Pandemic Could Cost Typical American Woman Nearly $600,000 in Lifetime Income

By Emily Peck New signs of the nation's expanding recovery from the pandemic crop up every day, but for millions of women in the U.S. the economic punch of COVID may never be over. Long after the face masks have been tucked away and the [...]

May 26, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , , , |

A Woman’s Struggle to Overcome Long-Term Unemployment

By Mitchell Hartman The Labor Department’s jobs report for April found that more than 4 of every 10 (43%) unemployed Americans were “long-term unemployed,” meaning they had been out of work and actively looking for 27 weeks or longer. That rate is comparable to the [...]

May 26, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , , , , |

IWPR Launches New Tool in the Fight against Reproductive Health Restrictions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – May 26, 2021 Contact: Liz Rose | (202) 355-3559 | Washington, DC – Last week, the Center on the Economics of Reproductive Health (CERH) at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) released game-changing research on reproductive health to monetize [...]

The Gender Pay Gap: Why It’s Still Here

By Tom Spiggle By now you’ve probably heard of the gender pay gap. It gets especially a lot of attention on Equal Pay Day. This year, Equal Pay Day was March 21, as that’s how far into 2021 the average American woman had to work [...]